LIMS for Public Health
Zendo Lims is an advanced system for the Management of Public Health Laboratories where the centralization of information and the use of the cloud make it possible to act quickly, and make precise decisions to control possible epidemics with harmful effects on the population health.
* Fully operational demo for 14 days.

Our Public Health Laboratory Software Covers Demands of Countries Around the World
More than 600 laboratories around the world already rely on Zendo Lims for the efficient management of their processes. We are with you every step of the way.

Public Health LIMS: Complying with Ethical Guidelines, Assuring Quality of Results
Schedule drawing of samples, defining frequency, sampling point and sampling device, and preparecontainers and labels to be used for sampling. ensuring traceability from the origin to the end of processing.
Register individual samples or a batch of them manually or automatically.
Connect all measuring devices and avoids human errors arising from the manual transcription of results.
In situ results registration and track each sampling point over time to detect possible epidemics or contamination affecting the population health.
Enhance Public Health Monitoring with Our Reliable LIMS Solutions
By using the Tasks Supervisor monitor in real time the status of samples and tests in progress.
Automate your laboratory to the maximum by programming and running Smart Rules for Searching, Handling, Printing and Critical Alerts.
Advanced Multimedia System (images, videos, audios, Office files or PDF files) for integration into the Results Report.
Define quality controls or reference samples and make graphical representations. Establishes correlation graphs for the trend analysis.
Revolutionize Disease Surveillance and Data Reporting with Zendo Public Health LIMS
Set up the detection and quantification limits, as well as, the uncertainty for each parameter taking into account the parameter and result range.
Design Results Reports freely without limitations, modifying any aspect related to presentation and layout.
Integrate the results into the public health monitoring systems of official agencies to centralise the control of pandemics and population-based epidemics.
End-to-End encryption protects the confidentiality of information, which means that your data is secure from the moment it is generated until it is stored in the cloud.
Zendo Lims, Adaptable Software for Every Public Health Lab
Zendo Lims provides you with all the features of a lims for Public Health such as Quality Control, Request Management, Worksheets, Device Connections, Results and Validation, Reference Laboratories, Incidents Management, Integrations with other systems and platforms, etc.