Lab Inventory Management
Manage efficiently all operations linked to equipment and warehouse control with Zendo Lims, the essential laboratory inventory management software for any company or organisation that aims to keep a close eye on its equipment, consumables and stock .
* Fully operational demo for 14 days.

Labs around the world benefit from this lab inventory management software
Zendo Lims: The experience and trust from over 600 laboratories at your service.

Maintain Real-Time Control with Our Lab Inventory Management System
A lab inventory management system is an essential tool to manage efficiently the inventory, flow of stored goods and the equipment and devices that we work with.
Zendo Lims keeps logs of all stock, including detailed information about stock, locations, reception dates or minimum & maximum required stock.
Monitor the inventory in real time: Update automatically all stock levels in the laboratory, at the same time than delivery notes and orders arrive, items are used by lab staff or with manually stock inventory movements.
Place items orders to suppliers and send them by email automatically.
Store Management in a Lab: Simplified with Zendo Lims
Receive full or partial orders from suppliers, keep records of the delivery number and expiry date for each item. Log the delivery number or order date, as well as the supplier's invoice and the payment status.
You can check at any time your inventory's value , also you can spot straight away those items which are out of stock or below the minimun stock required and keep and strict follow up of the expiry dates and batch numbers.
Generate statistics and graphs to overview the orders volume and items, compare costs per supplier or review the orders frequency per supplier. This enables resources optimisation and cost savings from your lab inventory management software.
Optimize Your Workflow with Our Online Lab Inventory Management
Through the lab equipment management system you can register all devices or instruments that you work with..
Keep control of scheduled equipment maintenance and book automatic alerts when the review date is approaching or due.
Zendo Lims is a laboratory equipment software, this makes it possible to open incidences on them, logging everything that has happened until they are solved.
Attach all the documentation related to your instruments, such as technical manuals or user manuals through the multimedia module linked to each device.
The Perfect Lab Inventory System that Satisfy All Your Requirements
This laboratory stock management software offers many other features for your company, such as sample management, results, results reports, connections with measuring devices, integrations with external systems, invoicing management, statistics and graphs, quality management, ...etc
Sector-Specific Adaptation: Zendo Lims at Your Service
Zendo Lims is fully customisable for laboratories working in a wide range of sectors. It will take your laboratory to the next level by taking advantage of the benefits of lab ordering software.