
How does a LIMS System Work

A LIMS system is an essential tool for optimising data management in a laboratory. A good answer to the question, how lims software works? it would be: a LIMS automates and centralises processes from sample reception to report generation, improving efficiency, accuracy and compliance. The ability to perform invoicing and statistical data mining enables efficient decision making. Its integration with other business systems within the laboratory ecosystem and its ability to manage inventory and quality make LIMS an essential component for any modern laboratory.

Below we will explain how lims works.

Tablet of contents

Understanding How a LIMS System Works: An Overview

Sample Lifecycle Management within a LIMS System

Tracking from Initial Capture to Disposal in LIMS

LIMS Role in Ensuring Data Integrity and Reducing Errors

SOP Adherence and Accuracy through Protocol Execution in LIMS

Maintaining Quality Control and Compliance with LIMS Operations

LIMS' Adherence to Industry Regulations

Integration Capabilities of a Working LIMS System

Laboratory Instruments Integration for Streamlined Workflows with LIMS

Ease of Reporting through Compatibility with Reporting Systems in LIMS

Understanding How a LIMS System Works: An Overview

A Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is an essential tool for data efficiency and operational management in laboratories. Providing a centralised platform for managing samples, data, workflows and regulatory compliance. The following is an overview of how does LIMS work:

Sample Reception and Registration

Reception: The reception process starts when a sample reaches the laboratory. This sample can come from multiple sources, such as hospitals, clinics, industries, research projects or private clients.

Registration: The sample is logged in the LIMS, assigning it a unique identifier. Details such as sample type, source, date and time of reception, and any relevant information for analysis are registered. It is important to comply with the regulations of each country where data are mandatory.

Sample Management

Follow up: Once registered, the LIMS tracks the sample through various stages of the analysis process. There is precise knowledge of the storage location, the people involved and the methodologies applied.

Sample Status: The system continuously updates the status of the sample, providing transparency on its progress and any pending actions.

Workflow Automation

Processes Definition: Workflows are defined in the LIMS to standardise laboratory procedures. This includes the sequence of processes to be followed, the equipment to be used and the quality criteria that applies.

Automation: LIMS allows these workflows to be automated, guiding users through each step and ensuring that the correct procedures and methodologies are followed.

Integration with analysers and measuring devices

Connections: LIMS allows connection to laboratory analysers and devices to collect data automatically. This eliminates manual data entry, reducing human error and increasing efficiency.

Data storage: The data generated by the analysers is automatically fed into LIMS, where it can be analysed and used to generate results reports.

Data and Results Management

Centralised Storage: All sample data and results are stored in a centralised database. Making easier the access and information management from anywhere and at any time and by any user with appropriate permissions.

Analysis and Reporting: El LIMS permite el análisis de datos y la generación de informes personalizados. Los usuarios pueden extraer información valiosa para la toma de decisiones y la mejora continua de los procesos.

Regulatory Compliance

Documentation: The LIMS has tools to help manage all the documentation needed to comply with quality regulations and standards, such as ISO 17025, ISO 15189, ISO 9001, GMP and GLP.

Auditories: Tools for internal and external audits are included, ensuring that all processes and data are traceable and can be verified.

Security and Access Control

Roles and Permissions: LIMS allows you to set roles and permissions for each user to control access to sensitive information and to the different displays and actions of the system.

Activities Log: LIMS maintains a log of all activities carried out, providing a detailed history of actions and modifications made to the system. The date and time, the user and the action undertaken are logged.

Customer Support and Updates

Technical assitance: It is extremely important for laboratories to have support from the LIMS provider. Timely and accurate support ensures optimal laboratory performance.

Updates: LIMS providers usually offer regular updates to improve the system features and security. It is important that a LIMS is always up and running.

Discover all features that can be found in a Cloud Lims system.

Sample Lifecycle Management within a LIMS System

Tracking from Initial Capture to Disposal in LIMS

One of the most critical aspects of sample management is the follow-up from the moment the sample is taken until it is finally disposed of. It is very important to know the status, location and actions taken or to be taken on each sample throughout its life cycle. For this reason, the LIMS must provide the laboratory with tools that allow this follow-up to be carried out.

The following processes can be distinguished throughout the life cycle of the sample:

Initial sample registration

The sample is received in the laboratory and registered in the LIMS system with a unique identifier along with the relevant data for the analysis. It is additionally bar-coded to ensure traceability.

Pre-analysis preparation and storage

It is possible to keep the sample in a pre-analytical storage until processing. The LIMS must allow tracking and retrieval of the sample at the time of processing.

Work planning

A LIMS should allow the organisation of laboratory work by means of request forms or worksheets by area, methodology, instrument or analyst.

Sample processing

Sample preparation according to the defined procedure and manual or automated processing by connecting to the analysers for user input without manual intervention by the analyst.

Results validation

The responsible person validates the results to ensure the accuracy and quality of the results and the further issuance of the report. A LIMS allows the report to be sent automatically or to be consulted on the laboratory's web portal.

Post-analysis storage

If the sample is not discarded immediately, it can be kept in the sample warehouse for the necessary period of time, which can be days or even years. There is full traceability for the entire length of storage.

Sample Disposal

At the end of the storage period the sample is discarded following the established protocols and regulations. Some LIMS allow you to set the storage length and generate visual alerts for samples that require to be discarded.

Audit and Traceability

The LIMS maintains a complete and auditable record of the entire sample lifecycle, from reception to disposal, allowing traceability to be retrieved for internal or external audits.

Discover more advantages of having Zendo as Sample management Lims.

LIMS Role in Ensuring Data Integrity and Reducing Errors

LIMS is an essential tool to ensure data integrity and reduce errors in laboratory procedures.

Through processes automation and integrations with analysers manual data entry is avoided and more consistent and real-time processes are generated. Calibration and maintenance of the equipment can also be carried out, guaranteeing its correct performance.

The LIMS enables a traceability the system provides a complete log of the actions carried out, registering the user, date and time of completion. It also allows the stored data mining and analysis.

The integrity and results quality are assured through the validation processes and devices quality control. In addition, it allows access information to be managed through user roles and permissions.

In short, a LIMS significantly improves the accuracy, efficiency and reliability of laboratory operations. Implementing a proper LIMS helps to maintain high quality standards and ensure that data is accurate and secure at all times.

SOP Adherence and Accuracy through Protocol Execution in LIMS

The usage of a LIMS for the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) significantly improves the adherence and accuracy of protocols in the laboratory. Through automation of workflows, access control, verification and validation of procedures, and full traceability, the LIMS ensures that SOPs are followed consistently and accurately. In addition, it contributes to regulatory compliance and continuous improvement of laboratory performance. Choosing the right LIMS to maintain high standards of quality and efficiency in the laboratory is not an easy task.

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Maintaining Quality Control and Compliance with LIMS Operations

LIMS' Adherence to Industry Regulations

The adherence of Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) to industry regulations is a crucial issue to ensure quality, safety and compliance for companies operating in a variety of industries, such as food, chemical and petrochemical, environmental, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, mining,...etc

Among the most common standards that these industries must comply with are: ISO 17025, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), GLP (Good Laboratory Practice).

A LIMS can help companies comply with these regulations in a number of ways:

Data traceability: LIMS can record and track all production-related data, from raw materials through intermediate product to finished goods. This allows companies to quickly identify the source of any problems and take corrective actions promptly.

Access control: LIMS can restrict access to data and system features to authorised users only. This helps prevent data tampering and ensure the information integrity.

Data integrity: LIMS can ensure that data is accurate, complete and consistent. This helps companies make informed decisions and comply with audit requirements.

Document management: LIMS can store and manage electronic documents, such as standard operating procedures (SOPs) and batch records. This helps companies maintain an effective document management system and comply with audit requirements.

Changes management: LIMS can track and manage changes to processes, products and systems. This helps companies ensure that changes are implemented in a controlled manner and that all regulatory requirements are met.

Implementing a LIMS that complies with industry regulations can provide companies with a number of benefits, such as:

Reduced risk of non-compliance: LIMS can help companies identify and prevent potential regulatory violations, which can reduce the risk of costly penalties and reputational damage.

Improving product quality: LIMS can help companies improve the quality of their products by providing accurate and traceable data on the production process.

Greater operational efficiency: LIMS can help companies improve operational efficiency by automating manual tasks and providing real-time information on production progress.

Cost reduction: LIMS can help companies reduce costs by improving operational efficiency, reducing wastage and minimising risk errors.

In general, LIMS adherence to industry regulations is essential for companies operating in a variety of sectors. By implementing a LIMS that complies with regulations, companies can reduce the risk of non-compliance, improve product quality, increase operational efficiency and reduce costs.

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Integration Capabilities of a Working LIMS System

Environment Lims

Laboratory Instruments Integration for Streamlined Workflows with LIMS

Integrating laboratory instruments with a LIMS is essential to streamline workflows, improve data accuracy and increase operational efficiency. By automating data reception, setting up standardised workflows, monitoring equipment status and centrally managing results, a LIMS significantly improves the quality and consistency of laboratory operations. This not only reduces errors and saves time, but also ensures regulatory compliance and facilitates more informed decision-making. Implementing a LIMS that effectively integrates laboratory instruments is a crucial step towards modernisation and efficiency in the laboratory environment.

Investing in the integration of measuring devices can lead to significant savings in time, costs and resources in a long term, as well as contributing to more reliable and consistent results.

Discover how Zendo Lims is a Laboratory Equipment Management Software.

Ease of Reporting through Compatibility with Reporting Systems in LIMS

LIMS support for advanced reporting systems allows for the efficient creation of detailed and customised reports. This support has some clear features and benefits.

Among the features of Reporting Systems Support in LIMS we can highlight:

Intuitive User Interface: Reporting with ease and adaptability to the laboratory and the client's needs.

Compatibility with Reporting Tools: If a LIMS can incorporate reporting tools, it can take advantage of these graphical and analytical features, as well as the ability to export data in different formats (CSV, Excel, PDF, ...etc).

Reporting Automation: A LIMS should allow reports to be automatically generated once they are validated or issue notifications to the client to access the web platform for consultation.

Advanced Data Analysis Capabilities: Users should be able to apply filters to focus on specific areas of interest or concern.

Regulatory Compliance and Quality Standards: The LIMS must be able to generate monitoring reports that allow us to know if there is compliance with regulations such as ISO, GLP or GMP and be valid for external or internal audits.

Access to Reports: Online access via a client web portal in the LIMS is essential. Both the emailing of the report and the access via the web portal must follow security regulations and data confidentiality. The importance of that the report can be digitally signed by one or more persons and that it can be locked to prevent tampering.

Improved Decision Making: Clear reporting and performance indicators allow decisions to be made to improve laboratory efficiency.

Among the benefits of Compatibility with Reporting Systems in LIMS we could highlight three:

Operational Efficiency: Automation saves time and staff costs, as well as reducing errors.

Transparency and Traceability: A detailed report allows tracking of laboratory activities and makes it easier to review and audit data.

Compliance and Quality Standards: Quality standards and regulatory compliance are assured if the reports are sufficiently detailed and accurate, and the ability to analyse the data enables continuous improvement of the laboratory.

In summary, implementing a LIMS with these features is essential to modernise and optimise information management in laboratories.

Discover why Zendo Lims is a Laboratory Audit Software.

By Susana Martín Castaño    /    General    /    Posted 15/07/2024