
Laboratory Efficiency: Exploring the Advantages of LIMS

It is important to understand what benefits a laboratory has if a LIMS is implemented and how its performance and efficiency can increase.

A Cloud-based LIMS, Web-based Laboratory Management System, combined with a SaaS LIMS model (Software as a Service) takes the laboratory's process management and data management to the next level.

Automating tasks frees up time and resources to optimise overall performance.

Table of contents

Advantages of LIMS for Enhanced Laboratory Efficiency

Automation of Repetitive Tasks and Data Entry

Workflow Standardization and Process Streamlining

LIMS Benefits: Auto-Scheduling for Optimal Resource Allocation

Improved Data Management and Accuracy with LIMS

Centralized Data Storage for Easy Access

Real-Time Tracking of Lab Processes Using LIMS

Quality Control Measures for Data Integrity in LIMS System

User Interface Design Considerations in a LIMS System

Intuitive UI/UX Design for Improved User Adoption of a LIMS System

Data Security Measures in LIMS Deployment

Advantages of LIMS for Enhanced Laboratory Efficiency

Working with a cloud and web-based SaaS system provides very interesting and investment-optimised LIMS advantages.

No investment in hardware or software

To make a large investment to automate laboratory management is NO longer necessary. All you need is a browser and Internet connection.

Fully scalable in users and features

With the same web application you can have more or less features and more or less users depending on your laboratory's needs. Increase or decrease resources according to your specific needs.

Everything you need is in the cloud

All your lab information travels with you. Get Access to your lab at anytime, from anywhere.

All centres will be connected

A good LIMS system will allow for all extraction centres to be connected and even working in real time from mobile units.

Fast implementation. Customised and up to date

It is very important to configure the system and the information according to the criteria you need and adapt the system to the terminology of your country. Also important when choosing a LIMS is that it has regular updates at no additional cost.

100% Safe Working Environment

A LIMS must meet high levels of security. You should consider whether the system works under HTTPS protocol, allowing information to travel encrypted, user and password access, two-factor authentication or IP location.

Discover what more features you can find in a Cloud Lims system.

Automation of Repetitive Tasks and Data Entry

One of the main advantages of a LIMS is the improvement of efficiency and performance. By Automation of tasks, it is possible to do repetitive tasks such as data recording, reporting and inventory management, allowing laboratory staff to focus on more complex tasks due to an increase of overall time available.

Workflow Standardization and Process Streamlining

Thanks to the usage of a centralised platform, allowings to optimise workflow and management of all stages, and of all processes from sample reception to result reporting.

Due to the data centralisation and communication tools provided by LIMS, communication among users, employees and customers has improved enormously.

Discover more advantages of having Zendo as LIMS Sample Manager.

LIMS Benefits: Auto-Scheduling for Optimal Resource Allocation

There are several reasons why costs could be reduced in the laboratory.

Because of tasks automation and improved workflows there are much lower human resource costs.

By accessing stocks statistics and automations, adjusting and placing orders to suppliers are possible and also to be placed at the right time. This makes it possible to optimise warehouse costs.

LIMS often have tools that enable greater efficiency at a lower cost.


Join Zendo Lims and experience the difference with our Laboratory Software!

Improved Data Management and Accuracy with LIMS

One of the great advantages of a LIMS is that data quality is improved. This is called data integrity.

There is a decrease in human error due to tasks automation and integrated quality control systems.

Accessing all existing data makes it easier to monitor data traceability and regulatory compliance.

A LIMS enables the optimisation of data analysis by providing tools that allow a more specific and thorough study of the data.

Centralized Data Storage for Easy Access

All you need is in the cloud. A LIMS in the cloud allows all your lab information to travel with you and allows you to access your laboratory anytime, anywhere.

A Lims in the cloud allows all your hubs to be connected and even allows you to work from your mobile units.

Real-Time Tracking of Lab Processes Using LIMS

A LIMS facilitates collaboration between laboratory staff or between different laboratories or entities by providing a centralised platform for data exchange and communication among parties.

Quality Control Measures for Data Integrity in LIMS System

Data integrity is a critical issue in any laboratory, and especially relevant in regulated environments. A LIMS should be a valuable tool to ensure data integrity, but it is important to implement appropriate quality control measures. Some of the key quality control measures, that a LIMS must include, are:

Define user roles and processes.

Define procedures and user roles for access control.

Conduct regular audits to verify accesses, changes and data integrity.

Having systems in place to validate the type of data entered.

Carrying out regular data backups.

Having a disaster recovery plan in place, for which it is important that the company providing the LIMS has a DPO (Data Protection Officer).

Provide user training for the correct usage of the system.

Having tools for the digital signature of the reports issued and the possibility of blocking the modification of the report once generated.

Compliance with the regulations applicable to each laboratory.

Find out more about optimising your quality system with a LIMS ISO.

Join Zendo Lims and experience the difference with our Laboratory Software!

User Interface Design Considerations in a LIMS System

A web-based LIMS allows the complete adaptability to the device you are working with. This is known as 'Fully Responsive'. Moreover, the advantage of a web-based system compared to a desktop system is that it can support all browsers, all devices and all OS (operating systems). Systems, such as Zendo Lims, allow for these lims advantages which makes its interface modern and completely user-friendly.

Intuitive UI/UX Design for Improved User Adoption of a LIMS System

The UX design of a LIMS refers to the user experience (User eXperience), i.e. the reactions that each user has when working with the system. This is determined by loading times, how easy the design makes it for the user to find the options or the possibility of working on mobile devices.

On the other hand, the UI (User Interface) design covers the visual part: the colours, information layout, fonts and effects. Web design and ease of use are closely related, so a LIMS that manages to combine both, it will be a winning LIMS.

Discover how Zendo Lims is able to merge UI/UX design with user experience 100% customisable environment.

Hospital Begoña
Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero
Confederación Hidrográfica del Cantábrico

Data Security Measures in LIMS Deployment

A LIMS should provide you with a 100% secure working environment. LIMS implement basic security measures such as HTTPS browsing, username and password access or user role settings. More advanced LIMS incorporate a double authentication system or even an IP tracking system.

Due to software access control and an audit trailing system, there has been an improvement in data security.

A LIMS is compliant with data protection standards such as GDPR (in EU) or HIPAA (in US) allowing for privacy control.

By Susana Martín Castaño    /    General    /    Posted 12/06/2024